Herman & Associates: Research
Research Articles on Adult Success with Learning Disability, ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, and other autistic spectrum disorders:
Publication List: (underlined articles may be downloaded using Adobe Acrobat)
Sullivan, P. A., and Herman, K. L. (2001). Social Support for Young Adults with Learning Disabilities and Related Disorders. Los Angeles Learning Disabilities Association Newsletter, 41(2), 11-12.
Raskind, M. H., Higgins, E. L., Goldberg, R.J., & Herman, K. L. (1998). Patterns of Change and Predictors of Success in Individuals with Learning Disabilities: Results from a Twenty-Year Longitudinal Study. Thalamus, 16 (2), 40-64.
Raskind, M. H., Gerber, P. J., Goldberg, R., Higgins, E., and Herman, K. L. (1998). Longitudinal research in learning disabilities: Report on an international symposium. Journal of Learning Disabilities,31(3), 266-277.
Raskind, M. H., Higgins, E., & Herman, K. L. (1997). Technology in the workplace for persons with learning disabilities: Views from the inside. In P. J. Gerber and D.S. Brown (Eds.). Employment of people with learning disabilities. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
Raskind, M. H., Torgesen, J. K., & Herman, K., Guest Editors, Special Issue (1995). Technology and learning disabilities: An international perspective. Learning Disability Quarterly, 18, 65-184.
Herman, K. L., & Hillix, W. A. (1995). Characterological psychopathology and morality. Global Bioethics, 7(2), 23-38.
Raskind, M., Torgeson, J., & Herman, K. L. (1995). Technology and learning disabilities: Report on an international symposium. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 18(2), 175-184.
Raskind, M., Torgeson, J., & Herman, K. L. (1995). Introduction to special issue: Technology for persons with learning disabilities: An international perspective. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 18(2), 66-67.
Spekman, N. J., Goldberg, R. J., & Herman, K. L. (1993). An exploration of risk and resilience in the lives of individuals with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 8(1), 11-18.
Spekman, N. J., & Herman, K. L., & Vogel, S. A. (1993). Risk and resilience with individuals with learning disabilities: A challenge to the field. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 8(1), 59-66.
Spekman, N. J., Goldberg, R. J., & Herman, K. L. (1992). Learning disabled children grow-up: A search for factors related to success in the young adult years. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 7, 161-170.
Herman, K. (1988). Attitudes and reactions to nuclear weapons: Responses to fear arousal. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48(7).
Herman, K., & Booth, S. (1982). Validation of the armed service vocational aptitude battery in interior communication electrical class "A" school. Technical Report, NPRDC, San Diego, California, USA.